

How was mummification important to the egyptians?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How was mummification important to the egyptians?
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Related questions

Why is mummification important?

Mummification is important because, the Egyptians believed that if the person had no body, their spirit could not go to the afterlife.

Why mummification important?

Mummification is important because, the Egyptians believed that if the person had no body, their spirit could not go to the afterlife.

How is mummification useful?

Mummification was important because the Egyptians thought that they would need their bodies when they passed on to the after-life so they mummified their bodies.

Why is mummification important to the Egyptian?

Mummification was important to the Ancient Egyptians because once the mummies were finished with their 3,000 years of the afterlife, the soul can find the body and come back to it.

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Patron of: war, impartiality, mummification wrappings, the funeral bier.

How did Egyptians religious practice of mummification effect the field of medicine?

When Egyptians did mummification they learned about what is in the human body and found out a lot about it.

What is good sentence about mummification?

The mummification process is not quite complete.

How did the egyptians preserve the deceased?

By means of mummification.

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What is Egyptians religious about creation?

Egyptians believed in an afterlife so they created mummification...

Why did the Egyptians not remove the heart in the mummification process and why why did the Egyptians not take out the heart in the mummification process and why?

The heart was kept in to be weighed in the afterlife.It was the only internal organ that was not removed.

Where was mummification invented?

The anubisThe ancient Egyptians. They claim Anubis invented it.