

How was potential energy created?

Updated: 5/27/2024
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13y ago

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potential energy is not a substance. it is like if you fall out a window, your body has "potential energy" when you hit the ground that potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.. hope this helps you understand...

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13y ago
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2mo ago

Potential energy is created when an object is moved against a force, such as gravity or a spring. The work done to lift or compress the object is stored as potential energy, which can be released when the object is allowed to move back to its original position.

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What energy is stored in a stretched rubber band?

If you stretch a rubber band you have created tension, and therefore strain energy. If you stretch a rubber band you have created tension, and therefore strain energy. Latent energy. Potential energy

How is potential energy created in a chemical cell?

Potential energy in a chemical cell is created through redox reactions, where chemical energy is converted to electrical energy. When a reactant loses electrons (oxidation) and another gains electrons (reduction), a potential difference is generated, creating an electrochemical gradient that can be used to do work. This potential energy can then be harnessed to power electronic devices or perform other useful functions.

Why potential energy can not be converted into kinetic energy?

Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy. For example, when an object is released from a height, its potential energy due to gravity is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. This conversion follows the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.

What is mechanical energy to kinetic energy and potential energy?

Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy (related to motion) and potential energy (related to position). When an object is in motion, it has kinetic energy. When it is stationary but has the potential to move (e.g., due to its position or height), it has potential energy.

What energy is created from a gravitational field?

Potential energy is created from a gravitational field. This energy is stored in an object based on its position in a gravitational field and is released when the object moves closer or further from the source of gravity.

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Is the energy acquired by a body because of its motion is called potential energy?

No, energy created from movement is called Kineticenergy. Potential energy is energy created from no moving sources.

How does the law of the conservation of energy pertain to kinetic and potential energy?

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed. So, kinetic energy is not created, it is transformed from potential energy, and vice versa.

How was energie created?

potential energy is not a substance. it is like if you fall out a window, your body has "potential energy" when you hit the ground that potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.. hope this helps you understand...

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when a dog sleeping which energy potential enrgy or kinetic?

potential energy is the energy created due to stress on an object, Kinetic energy is the energy an object possess due to its motion, so a dog sleeping has neither of both.

What energy is created into jumping off a trampoline?

Gravitational Potential

What energy is stored in a stretched rubber band?

If you stretch a rubber band you have created tension, and therefore strain energy. If you stretch a rubber band you have created tension, and therefore strain energy. Latent energy. Potential energy

Is gravatational energy kinetic or potential energy?

Gravatational and Potential Energys are the same, they simply both have the potential to fall (its higher up) and Kintic Energy is was is created when for example a roller coaster moves?! I has Kinetic Energy and some is lost throughout sound and heat as thats is another type pf energy that is created when a roller coaster moves.

How is potential energy created in a chemical cell?

Potential energy in a chemical cell is created through redox reactions, where chemical energy is converted to electrical energy. When a reactant loses electrons (oxidation) and another gains electrons (reduction), a potential difference is generated, creating an electrochemical gradient that can be used to do work. This potential energy can then be harnessed to power electronic devices or perform other useful functions.

Why potential energy can not be converted into kinetic energy?

Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy. For example, when an object is released from a height, its potential energy due to gravity is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. This conversion follows the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.

Is chemical energy kinetic energy or potential energy?

Chemical energy is a form of potential energy stored in the bonds of chemicals. When these bonds are broken, the potential energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy.

What is mechanical energy to kinetic energy and potential energy?

Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy (related to motion) and potential energy (related to position). When an object is in motion, it has kinetic energy. When it is stationary but has the potential to move (e.g., due to its position or height), it has potential energy.