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Believe it or not it was handwritten. Specially trained scribes - usually teams of monks in ancient abbeys - worked day and night copying The Bible by hand. They worked in places called 'scriptoriums' and copied the bible letter by letter. Others were trained to proofread these copied scriptures to ensure that no mistakes were made. Others were trained to bind the pages into a book as we know it. Even more were involved in distributing the finished bibles to churches. Nowadays, handwritten Bibles can sometimes be seen in museums. They are spectacular works of art as the monks often illustrated them too with beautiful coloured drawings and gold leaf. One such book is the Book Of Kells, a book of gospels, that pre-dates printing and is to be found in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Because the Bible was handwritten, obtaining a copy was difficult and expensive. Early churches may have had just one copy of the Bible - chained to the lectern to prevent theft. In addition to this, wall paintings of bible stories were often seen in very old churches because most people could not read, and so the priest would have to read the bible for his parishioners.

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Q: How was the Bible distributed before the printing press was invented in 1455?
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Nope. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1450. The first book he printed was the Bible. Hope that helped! :)

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The Bible at first was printed in Latin, but then was translated into German, and then every language across Europe.

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In Europe, yes. The Gutenberg Bible.However in China where movable type was invented, many things were printed with it long before Gutenberg. However they never attempted printing anything as large as the Bible.

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Johannes Gutenberg was known for inventing the printing press around the year of 1450. He was also known for the Gutenberg bible later created with his own printing press.

Which book was written before Gutenberg's movable type was developed for printing?

gutenberg's bible i think

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I believe that the first printing of the bible using movable type was the The Gutenberg Bible of 1455.

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In 1440, German inventor Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing press process. The Bible was printed in 1455, his major publication. It was significantly cheaper than a handwritten Bible that could take a single scribe over a year to prepare.

Why did Johannes Gutenberg invent the printing press?

He invented the Printing press because before the printing press they wrote books by hand and they took for ever to finish 1. So they were really rare and only the people that were rich could afford to bye books so only the rich ones could read. Then when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press everyone could bye books and eventually it spread through out Europe . The printing press could print 31 pages before you could write 3 pages .