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Q: How was the Dutch expedition to the Indies different from the Portuguese attempts to find new trade routes?
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Who is English king sent you on an expedition to the indies?

No English King has sent me on an expedition to the indies?

What country was a former portuguese colony in the West Indies?


What diffuculties did clumbus have in his expedition?

he was a idiot and the indies might have capturd him

Why dud Columbus make this expedition?

to find a sea route to the indies.

Where did Columbus go on his second expedition?

west indies he thought he was in asia though, and he died thinking he was

Christopher Columbus's first expedition to the New World initially landed in what is now?

the west indies

Who made four voyages to west Indies?

Christopher Columbus made 4 voyages to the west Indies

Why did Columbus make more expedition after the first?

So he could contribute to his country, Spain... Plus he was still after what he was looking for which was the Indies (on his first expedition he found the Bahamas)

Which continent did the portuguese believe they could sail around the reach the east indies?


Who was the first European to reach the indies by traveling around the tip of Africa?

Bartolomeu Dias. Portuguese explorer who in 1488 led the first expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa from the Atlantic and sight the Indian Ocean. Vasco da Gama reached India ten years later.

History of antonio pigafetta?

He was a navigator who is renowned for serving as Magellan's official chronicler in their expedition to the Indies, including the Philippines.

Who said the English king sent me on an expedition to help the indies to help England compete for land and wealth?
