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it was formed by being formed

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Q: How was the Supreme Court formed?
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Which court within the national judiciary is the oldest?

The Supreme Court of Massachusetts is the oldest judiciary court in the United States. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts was formed with the Constitution of 1780.

Who has original jurisdiction over cases involving ambassadors?

In cases involving ambassadors, it is the Supreme Court of the United States that has original jurisdiction. The Supreme Court was formed in 1789.

Did president Washington establish the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court is established by the US Constitution. It is a basic part of the system of checks and balances on which the US government is founded. Washington did choose, with Senate approval, the men who formed the first US Supreme Court.

Who has final say in explaining the Constitution?

The Supreme Court.

What is the highest court in the United states-?

The correct name is the Supreme Court of the United States, but most people refer to it as the US Supreme Court. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

Who can rule that federal laws are unconstitutional?

(Supreme Court)

What was significance of the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court case?

It formed the basis for the need of Judicial review.

What is the highest court in the US?

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

Which has the greater authority U.S Supreme Court or the state Supreme Court?

U.S Supreme Court

What type of court is the supreme court?

The US Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in the United States.

The highest court at state level is the supreme court?

state supreme court

Is a Supreme Court decision permanent?

In most cases a Supreme Court decision is permanent. The current Supreme Court can change the decision of a previous Supreme Court.