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The brushtail possum has no natural predators in New Zealand. This is the main factor which has enabled it to spread to almost plague proportions.

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Q: How was the brushtail possum able to spread so rapidly in New Zealand?
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Are brushtail possums native to Australia?

Brush tail possums live in hollow trees and logs. Unfortunately, they also like to inhabit the roof space in houses, and have been known to make themselves at home in fireplaces and even dog kennels.

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When were possums introduced to New Zealand?

The brushtail possum (Trichosurus Vulpecula) was first brought to NZ from Australia in 1837 with the intention of establishing a fur industry. This proved unsuccessful and possums were allowed to spread throughout the country destroying native bush and having a devastating effect on native wildlife. There are estimated 65-70 million possums in New Zealand and possum control is a never-ending and possibly unwinnable battle. Possum is now considered a green fur, that is, a fur that is good for the environment because the animal it comes from is such a destructive pest.

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Will possums be extinct?

Highly unlikely.Many possum species are extremely adaptable, and it can be imagined that they will be one of the last species to ever become extinct. Some varieties are threatened, particularly some of the gliders and the pygmy possums, but other varieties are prolific. The White Possum is one that is believed to have become extinct. It used to live in Queensland's Daintree rainforest, but increasing temperatures seem to have proven too much for it to be able to survive.

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Would a possum kill a puriri tree?

Puriri are not high on the list of Possum's preferred food. They will eat the flowers and possibly the fruit but don't tend to eat the leaves. Of more concern is the lack of Kereru which spread the seeds.