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Q: How was the first light bulb made and why?
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When was the commercial light bulb made?

in 1856 Edison made the first light bulb :]

When did Thomas Edison make the first good light bulb?

He made the first light bulb in 1879 in Florida

What was the date light bulb was invented?

The first bulb was made in 1800.

What was the first light bulb made up of?

Electricity and a glass bulb

When was electricity used to power the light bulb?

The first electric light bulb was made in 1880

Did albert einstine make the first light bulb?

no Tomas Edison made the light bulb

When did Edison event the light bulb?

1879, but he didn't invent it. he made his first light bulb in December.

Did thomas Edison made the first light?

No, just the first electric light bulb.

What was the first electric thing made?

the light bulb

Who invented fluorescent light bulb?

EEdmund Germer (90% sure) made the first fluorescent light bulb

How did Thomas Edison make the light bulb?

he used many different threads, he made the first light bulb with horse's tail hair.

Who made the first electric light bulb?

Thomas Edison