

Thomas Edison

Born in 1847, Thomas Edison was a famed American inventor. He is credited with the invention of the practical light bulb, as well as phonograph and motion picture camera.

2,568 Questions

What was Thomas Edison's dog's name?

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Thomas Edison's dog's name was Dot.

What color was Dylan Thoma's eyes?

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Dylan Thomas had blue eyes.

What is Thomas Edison's astrological sign?

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Thomas Edison's astrological sign is Aquarius. He was born on February 11, 1847.

What is Thomas Edison favorite pet?

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It is believed that Thomas Edison's favorite pet was a mixed-breed terrier named Dot. He loved the dog so much that he even taught her several tricks like sitting up and begging.

What color eyes did Thomas Edison have?

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Either blue or green.

How did they see when it was dark before electricity was invented?

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Before electricity was invented, people used alternative sources of light such as oil lamps, candles, and torches to see in the dark. These sources provided enough light to illuminate small indoor spaces or outdoor areas, allowing people to navigate and see during the night.

Who invented artificial light?

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Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the first commercially practical incandescent light bulb in 1879. However, many other scientists and inventors made contributions to the development of artificial lighting before Edison's breakthrough.

Who created stop lights?

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Garrett Morgan is often credited with creating the first three-position traffic signal in 1923, which ultimately evolved into the modern stop light we use today. Morgan invented this device to improve traffic safety and regulate the flow of vehicles on the road.

Did Thomas Alva Edison have any pets?

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Yes, Thomas Edison had several pets, including a talking Myna bird named "Mr. Edison," a dog named "Dot," and a cat named "Sammy." He was known to have a fondness for animals and enjoyed their company.

Did Thomas Edison invent the microscope?

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No, Thomas Edison did not invent the microscope. The microscope was actually invented by Dutch spectacle maker Zacharias Janssen and his father Hans in the late 16th century. Edison is best known for his inventions in the field of electricity and communication, such as the phonograph and the incandescent light bulb.

Why a bulb gets fused?

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A bulb may get fused due to a variety of reasons such as power surges, old age, manufacturing defects, or improper handling. When the filament inside the bulb breaks or the connection is disrupted, the bulb will no longer function.

Thomas Edison's eye color?

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Thomas Edison has blue eyes

Did Thomas Edison have any pets?

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Yes, Thomas Edison had a pet cockatoo named Cockie. Cockie was known to imitate the sound of the telephone ringing and could mimic phrases spoken by Edison's visitors.

Where in NJ did thomas Edison work?

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Thomas Edison worked in Menlo Park, New Jersey. He established his famous laboratory there in 1876, which became known as the "invention factory" and was the site of many groundbreaking innovations, including the invention of the phonograph and the incandescent light bulb.

Did Thomas Edison want direct current or alternating current?

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Thomas Edison promoted direct current (DC) as the preferred method of electrical distribution. He believed DC was safer, cheaper, and more efficient than alternating current (AC) which was being championed by his rival, Nikola Tesla.

Who invented the stop light?

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The first electric traffic light was invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923. It featured three positions: stop, go, and a warning position that displayed both red and green lights simultaneously. Morgan's design laid the foundation for modern traffic control systems.

Who invented the projector?

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The projector was invented by Thomas Edison in the late 19th century. Edison's "Projecting Kinetoscope" was a precursor to modern film projectors, allowing for the projection of moving images onto a screen.

What did Thomas hunt Morgan conclude about fruit fly chromosomes?

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Thomas Hunt Morgan concluded that genes are located on chromosomes based on his extensive breeding experiments with fruit flies. He observed that certain traits were always inherited together, indicating they were located on the same chromosome. This led to the understanding of the role of chromosomes in heredity.

How might life be if Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb?

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If Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb, life would be significantly different as electric lighting revolutionized society. We would still heavily rely on gas lamps and candles, limiting productivity and potentially impeding technological advancements. The pace of urban development and industrialization would likely have been slower without widespread access to electric lighting.

Who invented current thomas alwa Edison Michael Faraday Nikola Tesla thales or if some other person please name them?

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Michael Faraday is credited with the discovery of electromagnetic induction, the principle behind generating electricity. Thomas Edison contributed to the development of the practical application of electricity by inventing the light bulb and power distribution systems. Nikola Tesla significantly advanced the understanding and utilization of alternating current (AC) electricity.

Who invented the flouresent light bulb and why?

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The fluorescent light bulb was invented by Peter Cooper Hewitt in 1901. The purpose behind its invention was to create a more energy-efficient lighting option than the incandescent bulb. The fluorescent bulb produces light by passing an electric current through mercury vapor, which then emits ultraviolet light that activates the phosphor coating inside the bulb to produce visible light.

Why is a light bulb in 1 shape?

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A light bulb is typically in a round or pear shape to protect the delicate internal components, such as the filament and gases, and to allow for efficient light distribution. The shape also helps to disperse heat generated by the bulb and to maximize light output.

Are electrons pushed more strongly in an electric stove or in a light bulb?

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Electrons are pushed more strongly in an electric stove compared to a light bulb because electric stoves require more power to heat up the coils or elements to high temperatures for cooking, while light bulbs use less power to produce light. The higher power requirement in an electric stove results in a stronger push on the electrons flowing through it.

Can a light bulb make you sick?

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In general, a properly functioning light bulb should not make you sick. However, certain types of bulbs, like fluorescent bulbs, may emit ultraviolet radiation or flicker at a frequency that can trigger migraines or seizures in some individuals. If you are experiencing symptoms like headaches or eye strain that you suspect may be related to a light bulb, it's best to consult a medical professional.