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an afterlife

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Q: How was the process of mummification connected to the Egyptian belief in the after life?
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Who was the god of mummication?

I'm not sure which culture's belief system you are referring to, quite a few employed mummification. In the ancient Egyptian pantheon, the god Anubis is most closely associated with mummification. Osiris, Isis and Nepthys are more loosely associated.

Why mummification occur?

The Egyptians had a belief that if the dead bodies were preserved that they would go into an afterlife.

Who was the first to get mummyfied?

I'm not sure which culture you are referring to, quite a few used mummification as a means to deal with the departed. In the Ancient Egyptian belief system, the god Osiris was the first to be mummified. He was embalmed and cared for by his wife Isis and his sister Nepthys

How are mueseums connected to acient mythology?

Part of history is ancient Greek, roman, and egyptian civilization and their belief , pottery, ext.(basically all the suff they did because they where an old civilization :) )

Why was the process of preparing a body for the afterlife important to Ancient Egyptians?

It was the belief of the ancient Egyptians that the way they would experience the afterlife as a soul or "ka" would be influenced by the way their body is prepared through mummification.

Why was ancient Egypt the greatest civilization in world history?

because they were able to build the pyramids! and they belief in mummification

Which Egyptian belief led to the creation of funerary art objects?

The belief in life after death.

what did an ancient Egyptian do to get to afterlife?

They did not do anything. It was part of their belief.

What belief was central to the Egyptian religion?


What was the Egyptian teaching on the afterlife?

A prominent feature of Egyptian worship was belief in an afterlife. This belief found expression in the practice of embalming the dead and in the erection of huge tombs to honor them.

When was The Process of Belief created?

The Process of Belief was created on 2002-01-22.

How did they do to dead bodies because of his belief?

The belief of the died bodies were that each person had an after life in after life they had goods they provided and put in when the were in the process of mummification .Mummification has 6 steps 1)Remove all the moisture from the died body 2)Remove all internal organs 3)internal organs are washed and placed in a canopic jar 4)Body is filled with and covered with natron 5)After 35 days body is wrapped in linen 6)Death mask is placed on the mummified