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Q: How was the role of governments similar in the Holocaust and during other genocides?
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Which two holocausts happened during world war 2?

There was only one Holocaust, there were a few attempted genocides, but the Holocaust is a specific term and cannot be used to describe other similar events.

What is the most people killed in a genocide?

The Holocaust during World War II is considered one of the deadliest genocides in history, with approximately six million Jews killed.

Who overthrew the Nazi government during the Holocaust?

no one. some governments that were set up as puppets of the Nazis were overthrown though.

Who attempted genocide during world warr 2?

Hitler and Stalin both attempted genocides during World War II, but Hitler's genocides are more well-known.

How does the forgotten Holocaust relate to the Jewish Holocaust?

There is no one "forgotten Holocaust" as the term applies to any genocide other than the mass murder of 6 million Jews. Some people use the term to refer to the mass-murders of Poles during World War II, the Rape of Nanking and similar atrocities against the Chinese in the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Armenian Genocide, and other similar horrors. The way that these genocides relate to the Jewish Holocaust during World War II, is that they were all mass-murders of innocent people based on their ethnic identity. However, it was the Jewish Holocaust that really brought international attention to this all-too-common problem of genocide and resulted in its identification and criminalization.

What group of people were the targets of the most genocide's?

The Jewish population has historically been the target of the most genocides, with events such as the Holocaust during World War II being one of the most well-known examples. Other groups that have been targeted in multiple genocides include Armenians and indigenous peoples in various regions.

During the 1980's the governments of Libya and Iran were similar in that both were linked to what?

They both had incidents of international terrorism.

What conficts today are similar to the Holocaust?

The murder and deaths of white farmers in Zimbabwe, when Mugabe took over Rhodesia during the 1980s.

Where there Mexican's in the Holocaust?

The Mexicans were in Mexico during the Holocaust.

How did you spread love during the Holocaust?

by saying there is hope!!!!! that is how you spread love during the holocaust

Where did the term Pogrom originate during the holocaust?

The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.

What type of people were killed during the Holocaust and how many?

The Holocaust was the attempted extermination of Europe's Jews. About six million were killed during the Holocaust.