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The safety bike was different in that both wheels were the same size.

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Trent Rodriguez

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Q: How was the safety bicycle different from the bicycles that came it?
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How was the safety bicycle from the bicycles that came before it?

The safety bike was different in that both wheels were the same size.

How was the bicycle different from the bicycles that came before it?

The safety bike was different in that both wheels were the same size.

How was the safety bicycle different from the bicycles that came before it?

The safety bike was different in that both wheels were the same size.

Where did bycycles first come from?

It is suspected that the first idea for the bicycle dates back to the 1400s. In 1817, the first bicycle was invented in Germany. the term for bicycles came from the French in the 1960s.

Did the penny farthing coin come first or the penny farthing bicycle?

The "safety bicycle" with rear wheel drive and same-size wheels.

Did the first bike have any steering?

Dependson if you're asking about a bicycle or a motorcycle. Bicycles were invented first, and the very early ones didin't have any steering. Motorcycles came along later, at which time bicycles had been equipped with steering, so motorcycles have always had that rather useful feature.

What year did the Health and Safety Act come into force?

Many different countries have legislation called "Health and Safety Act", "Safety and Health Act," or something similar. They came into force in different years in each country. In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed in 1970 and came into force in 1971. In the United Kingdom, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act was passed and came into force in 1974.

When did the bicycle come out in Australia?

Well It came out in 1867

What bicycle came before the penny-farthing?

the bone-shaker.

What discoveries or inventions came before bicycles to make the invention possible?

Bones and feet stench

Why do they have different types of bike?

Because of evolutions, and differences in requirements. Some differences came simply from people learning from their mistakes, and improving the bicycle as technology would allow it. Other came from the fact that different types of bikes are good at different types of riding, just like different types of tools are good at different types of work.

How is the mechanical advantages of early bicycles different from modern day ones?

Real early bicycles didn't have pedals, and you'd have to kick your way forward. No mechanical advantage at all. Slightly later bikes had pedals fixed to the wheel, which offered some sort of mechanical advantage through the circumference of the wheel and the length of the crank arms. Then came the chain driven bikes which are fairly similar to the modern bicycle. However, with the gearing systems available today, bikes have very adjustable mechanical advantages. from far less than the early bikes to considerably more than the early bikes.