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Q: How was the work of edward Jenner similar to that of louis paster?
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Who invented vaccinations?

Edward jenner

Did Louis Pasteur ever meet Edward Jenner?

yes they did

Did Louis edward Jenner win the Nobel Peace Prize?

No, Louis Edward Jenner did not win the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize was established in 1895 and is awarded to individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to promoting peace. Louis Edward Jenner was a British physician who is known for developing the smallpox vaccine.

What does Louis paster did?

That doesn't make sense :) But Louis Pasteur was known as the inventor of pasterization

How is edward Jenner connected to Louis Pasteur?

Edward Jenner was the first one to use live forms to modulate the immune response of human body for disease prevention, something which is the thrust of Biotechnology today. Edward Jenner was the first one to use live forms to modulate the immune response of human body for disease prevention, something which is the thrust of Biotechnology today.

When was vaccination invented?

vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner on May 14, 1796

Why did Louis Pasteur created vaccines?

No it was Edward Jenner No, it was not Edward Jenner. The technique of inoculation was not invented by Jenner and Pasteur but was devised in the Muslim world and brought to Europe from Turkey by the wife of the English ambassador to Istanbul in 1724. Children in Turkey were vaccinated with cowpox to fight the deadly smallpox at least 50 years before the West discovered it.

Why is Pasteur important in the history of medicine?

Louis Pasteur came up with Germ Theory, which explained why Edward Jenner's vaccination worked.Best Known As: Renowned inventor of pasteurization

Who is a famous life scientist?

Jane Goodall was a famous life scientist; She studied the live of chimpanzees.

Who was the first physician to develop a vaccine?

Louis Pasteur, a french doctor, was the first to explain the principles of vacccination. His first human vaccination was on a child against rabies in 1885. But a century before, Peter Plett, a German teacher and Edward Jenner, a English doctor practised the first vaccination separetly at the same time. They inoculated the vaccine (the cow version of variola) to people who will be acknowledeged as immuned against variola. Some historians also say that inoculation of variola had already been made in ancient China.

What beverage did Louis Paster first pasteurize in 1864?

milkThe first beverage he pasteurized was wine/beer.

What is kendall Jenner puppy's name?

Dolce, Louis and Vuitton.