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Q: How was us policy toward France and Vietnam affected after communist north Korea invaded south Korea in June 1950?
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How was U.S. policy toward France and Vietnam affected after communist North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950?

The United States decided to send combat troops to Indochina

What countries invaded Vietnam?

If you're referring to the Vietnam War, then the war was mainly fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was communist, and was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba. South Vietnam was capitalist, and was supported by the United States, Australia, the Philippines, and South Korea. Vietnam was also invaded and conquered, then colonized, by France in the 1800s.

Why American officials did not think France should control Vietnam but they did not want Vietnam to be?


Country that invaded Vietnam in late 1800s?

the french soliders

Who were the communists in the Vietnam War?

America and several coalition forces like Britain didnt approve of the Russians spreading Communism. Back then, France owned the southern half of Vietnam and the northern half was Communist. When the north invaded the south America joined the war to try to stop Vietnam from becoming an all Communist country. As we now know today that didn't work out and Vietnam along with it's communist fighters, the Viet Kong took control of Vietnam.

How did France Vietnam?

They affected them by ruling as the colonial power.

Who did Vietnam original belong to?

France owned Vietnam until they pulled out in the 1950's, and the US stepped in. After that, Vietnam was divided like Korea into Communist North and non-Communist South, but North Vietnam never accepted the division and always considered South Vietnam as the part of Vietnam occupied by the enemy.

Colonizer of Vietnam?

France - then the Vietnamese fought for and got their freedom from France, the US invaded but they got kicked out as well. France

Who fought against the Vietnamese Nationalists after France left?

Communist North Vietnam verses the Republic of South Vietnam.

What was the reason for US aid for France in Vietnam?

They feared that Vietnam would become Communist if it should gain indepedence.

Who did the US aid in its efforts to keep control of Vietnam?

they supported the non communist country of south Vietnam

What two events convinced President Truman to help France in Vietnam?

Im not sure if I know two reasons for the U.S aid of France in Vietnam, but here's one for you: During WWII, when Japan invaded Vietnam, the American troops helped the Viet Minh fight them off, simply because they were already at war with the Japanese. After the war ended, Vietnam decided to declare independence from France under the lead of a Communist Ruler. This terrified the U.S as the they were trying to prevent the spread of communism at all costs. As a result, P. Truman decided to help the French regain control of Vietnam.