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There were no actual, practicing witches invovled, accused or otherwise existing in Salem during the witch trials.

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Q: How was witchcraft practiced during the Salem witch trials?
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How has witchcraft changed now from how it was practiced during the Salem Witch Trials?

This questions stems from an assumption that there was actual witchcraft during the Salem panic. No witchcraft was practiced in Salem in the seventeenth century. It is very difficult for something that didn't exist to change.

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Where did the Salem witchcraft trials take place?

Salem,MA in the 1600s

Where did the Salem Witchcraft Trail take place?

The Salem Witchcraft Trials (plural) took place in Salem, Massachusetts, in what is now, the USA.

What happened on the 1st January 1692?

Witchcraft in Salem. On March 1, 1692, Salem, Massachusetts authorities interrogated Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and an Indian slave, Tituba, to determine if they indeed practiced witchcraft. So began the infamous Salem Witch Trials of 1692 .

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In what year did the Salem Witchcraft Trials occur?


What year does Salem witchcraft trials occur?


What is a Salem witch trial?

THE Salem Witch TrialS were a series of witchcraft trials in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 that occured when unexplained affliction affected several girls and women, which was interepted as witchcraft in Puritan times.

What happened to the people who confessed to practicing witchcraft during the Salem witchcraft trials?

They were released from jail. This was the case for Abigail and Deliverance Hobbs as well as Tituba.

Where was Salem witchcraft trial?

The Salem Witch Trials took place in Salem Massachusettes, in what is now the USA.