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Q: How water pollution affects beluga whales?
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Where is the beluga whale protected?

There isn't really a safe place for beluga whales, other then places in like Marine Land, where they have no predators and water pollution.

What do beluga whales live in?

beluga whales cant live in a state they live in the water

What state do beluga whales live in?

beluga whales cant live in a state they live in the water

How do Beluga Whales get babies?

The reproductive process for Beluga whales is the same as it is for other mammals with the exception that it takes place in the water.

How do beluga whales get water?

they swim with their mouths open

How do beluga whales drink water?

they go underwater

How do beluga whales breathe under the ice?

Beluga whales, like all whales, have a blowhole leading to their lungs on top of their head ti breathe when they reach the surface of the water. When the beluga whales are in the polar regions, the surface will be covered in ice, and unless the beluga whale finds a hole in the ice to surface and breathe, it will drown and die.

How do beluga whales swim?

by using their powerful tail to push them through the water

Why do beluga whales shed their skin?

The fresh water is denser and makes them shed

How does water pollution affect society?

Water pollution affects society by regulating the food supply. Water pollution also affects the amount of drinking water available for human and agricultural consumption.

How pollution affects water?

humans affects water by throwing and dumping garbage and oil

How humans affects water pollution?

humans affects water by throwing and dumping garbage and oil