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Weeds can be removed without harming the environment by plucking the with hands. Allowing them to dry or adding them to ditches for prepration of manure.

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Q: How weed can remove without harming the environment?
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Can you put a weed safety can in a fridge without harming the weed?

I refuse to answer a question that leads to someone doing something illigal

Does bleach kill weeds?

Yes bleach will kill weeds, but please do not use it to do this because it kills allot more than just the weeds, it will kill the organisms and bacteria in the soil and generally pollute the environment. There are proprietary weed killers that you can use (if you have to) that are slightly less harmful to the soil (e.g. glyphosate) but it is better to remove weeds by hand digging, burning or hoeing. Another very good way is to cover the weed area with an old carpet or black plastic and leave it for 2-3 months. The black plastic/carpet prevents the light reaching the weeds ad thy die off underneath without harming the environment.

How do you get rid of Thistle in lawn without harming dogs?

Dig out the thistle, root and all. This is the best way anyhow as roots often survive to grow again even when using weed spray.

Is weed bad on the enivroment?

Weed is the environment. Yes, it is deemed illegal in some states except for medical reasons. Weed came to what it is due to today's environment. Because everyone uses it for the wrong purpose's. It is green and living. It, like you, are part of the environment.

What weed killer can be used without harming the outside of a pool?

Hot water is a weedkiller that can be used without harming the outside of a pool. Removal by gloved hand or by hoe or trowel function the best for weeds that are in physical contact with the pool sides. Clearing the ground of cover, placing black plastic sheeting over the bare soil, and weighting the solarization-serving sheeting down with garden or patio-style stones for walking on will keep weeds from establishing or returning.

Does Kevin Hart smoke weed?

I was just wondering if someone this good can go on and on without missing a beat!!...without some weed...

How did Egyptians tame the environment?

by eating extra crops and using weed killer

How does geese help the environment?

they can weed gardens for people and they can eat deadly bugs.

What is the fastest and safest way to remove weeds from your lawn without having to pull them one by one?

Try a Weed-b-Gone spray. You pour the concentrate into a bottle, hook it up to a hose and spray your lawn with it. Another tool is the "weed grabber" where you put it over a weed, step on it and it grabs the weed and pulls it up. It is easier on the back, rather than getting down on your hands and knees to pull them out.

Can smoking weed make a man unable to make babies?

No, a man can have a baby with or without smoking weed.

Is smoking weed with a chest cold bad?

Yes it is.. Unless you filter the smoke with water. Then it would help to relax the body without harming the infection with smoke so that one can cough up the phlegm once it is done taking care of the infection that is a chest cold.

Can you plant weed seeds without soil?
