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Q: How well can cheetahs see in the dark?
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Do cheetahs see well?

Yes, they do, because they have to see predators at night in the dark.during the day they do but not in the dark

Are Cheetah cubs born with red eyes?

yes cheetahs have red eyes. It is so they can see in the dark.

Can a cheetah see in the dark?

Yes, it can see very well in the dark.

Can a cougar see in the dark?

Yes, it can see very well in the dark.

How well can a cat see?

A cat can see very well and can also see well in the dark.

Are bats the only mammals to see in the dark?

No, cats can see very well in the dark.

Are cheetahs born with red eyes?

No cheetahs are not born with red eyes but they are usually black or very dark brown.

Can cheetahs live in dark places?

Cheetahs are diurnal, meaning that they are primarily active during the day (unlike most cats). Additionally, cheetahs need open plains and deserts to run and thus hunt effectively. Lastly, cheetahs live relatively close to the Equator, where the sunlight is the brightest. To sum it up, cheetahs do not live in areas that would qualify as 'dark.'

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Can gazelles see very well?

Gazelles can see very well when it becomes time for dark, they see about 1 million times better in the dark (with some light) than a human can see in the same conditions.

What is the inability to see well in the dark?

night blindness

What are some creatures that see very well in the dark?

Answer:Fish can also see in the dark, especially deep sea animals such as the Pelican Eel and Giant Squid and the cuttlefish. ------------------------------------------------many nocturnal animals see well in the dark such as cats (big & small cats), hyenas, owls etcpredators usually see better in the dark than herbivores.