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Athenian women were not allowed to do anything that the men could do. They had quiet lives and mostly stayed at home. While in ancient Spartan women could mostly anything the men could do.

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Q: How were Athens and Sparta women treated in the society?
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What were Athens and Spartans?

Athens and Sparta were Greek city-states in Ancient Greece.

What were some disadvantages to life in Sparta?

In Athens the women weren't free, they had to clean, cook, and had to be hidden when they're husband's friends comes over. In Sparta, the women were free and they could have jobs and go anywhere! But in athens, they had to ask for permission. In sparta, they had better security, they had the military but athens didnt care about the military. In athens, only men were able to vote and participate in the government but in sparta, women can join the military and get jobs also they can vote!

What are the main characteristics of Athens and Sparta?

Sparta had a more militaristic state than Athens. Sparta had all men training for the military at age seven and ending at age sixty (so basically their whole life was for the military). Also, Sparta valued women much more than Athens. In Athens, women had no rights at all and were only there to reproduce and to clean up after the men and manage the home. They also took care of the babies. Unlike the Sparta women who were allowed to have military training (but could not serve in the military), play sports, learn about the arts, go out in public, and own property/stores. Those from Sparta were descendants of the Dorian invaders, however those from Athens were descendants of the Ionians. Athens founded democracy, and believed that the individual was important, while Sparta believed in the state rather than the individual, with a government based on a oligarchic system. Sparta based their society on the repression of 'Helots' (slaves). Athens freed their slaves and abolished debt slavery.

What were some of the differences between how the woman were treated in Sparta versus Athens?

Spartan women lived a life of reasonable eqality with the men, however they did not serve in the army or political life. Athenian women were kept in virtual purdah - kept at home on domestic tasks and getting out for an occasional womens' religious festival.

Would you prefer to have lived in Sparta or Athens?

One's preference for living in either Sparta or Athens of ancient times must depend very much on one's own particular values and principles. Those who most admire social stability, military excellence, and a strict, fixed code of conduct will likely prefer Sparta. Those who place more emphasis on individual choice and initiative, artistic and philosophical excellence, and fluid codes of conduct will likely prefer Athens.

Related questions

How were women in Sparta treated?

Women were treated in Sparta very well compared to its neighboring sisters of Athens. They allowed much more freedom and dominated society even when men were at war.

How was the society of women at Sparta and Athens?

Athens was specialized in intelligence and Sparta was tough. Women were taught how to throw darts, and run. Athenian women stayed ar home.

How were the roles of women different in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens women had no rights. In Sparta women had lots of rights

Who gave women the most freedom Athens or Sparta?

Well in Sparta, women didnt have much rights but had more freedom than women in Athens so you can say Sparta

Contrast the lives of women at Sparta and Athens?

Women in Sparta had more freedom and equality compared to women in Athens. In Sparta, women received physical education, could own property, and participate in public life. Meanwhile, in Athens, women had limited rights, were primarily responsible for household duties, and had no political rights.

Who had the better role for women and children Athens or Sparta?


Did Athens or Sparta limit women in politics?

Athens limited women in politics

What was the social of women of Sparta and Athens?

The social status of women in Sparta were to produce healthy sons for the army. The social status of women in Athens women had no share in public life.

How were women slaves treated in Sparta?

Women and slaves were treated unfairly because they were not allowed to be citizens,vote, and did not have any rights.there were no slaves in Sparta, and the women were treated with dignity.

How were women and slaves treated in Sparta?

Women and slaves were treated unfairly because they were not allowed to be citizens,vote, and did not have any rights.there were no slaves in Sparta, and the women were treated with dignity.

What rights did women in Athens and Sparta have?


Why are men more important then ladies in Sparta and Athens?

Women were not more important then men were in Sparta and Athens. Men just had a lot of pride in the selfs and thought that the woman should not be treated as well. They just plain had to much pride in themselfs.