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The Jews were treated horribly in concentration camps. Often times they would be shot if they were not working hard enough, sometimes they were made to dig a grave and then they were shot and buried in it. The Jewish people had to do a variety of horrible jobs and they were to be done when they were to be done. If you had something to say about it you would have been shot. Men, women, and children lived in their barracks didn't get much to eat and if they survived their fitness check up and went to do the labor work and not be gassed then they would be worked to the bone and when they were no longer healthy they would be killed.

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Q: How were Jews treated in the concentration camps?
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Jews in Nazi Germany were treated very poorly. The were beaten, sent to concentration camps, their businesses were burnt down and many were killed.

How were Jews treated in concentration camp?

They were starved, beaten, and killed, and even raped! Nazi's would send them to the "showers" that were gas chambers and they were killed.

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