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Q: How were citizens involved in the government of Anthens?
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When citizens are involved in the political decisions it what form of government?


How does government allows citizens to be more involved in government and the democratic process?

the internet allows citizens to blog about issues, and generally monitor the actions and policies of government officials

How does government allow citizens to be more involved in government and the democratic process?

the internet allows citizens to blog about issues, and generally monitor the actions and policies of government officials

What is the government of Athens and Sparta?

Anthens : Direct Democracy Sparta: Oligarchy CHICKEN.

How does e government allow citizens to be more involved in government and the democratic process?

the internet allows citizens to blog about issues, and generally monitor the actions and policies of government officials

How can citizens become involved in our government?

help with political campaign, run for office, serve in the military

At which level are US citizens involved in the government's decision-making process?

local, state, and federal

How did Pericles help the poor citizens get involved in the government?

All male citizens were chosen by lot to serve with pay on the council, juries, the armed forces.

All citizens in ancient anthens had the right to attend the assembly where they could meet in open discussion and cast votes this situation is an example of?

direct democracy

Are there any different types of dictatorships?

Benign dictatorship - Where the government is unelected but still provides social services to its citizens. Totalitarianism - Where there is an official ideology, citizens are expected to get involved in government projects etc.. Authoritarianism - Where the government is secretive and oppresses the masses.

Why did Andrew Jackson split from the Democratic party?

He wanted average citizens to be more involved in government decisions.

Anthens victory over the Persians resulted in the forming of the?

'Anthens' ???? I think you mean 'Athens'.