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Q: How were classes at Europe's first Universities similar to classes today?
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True the first glbal revoulution occuried in Europes colonial expansion

How do I go about taking classes in diagnostic medical sonography?

To take classes in diagnostic medical sonography, one should first check the online class listings at your local community colleges. Or you can look at universities.

Where can you take classes on enterprise content management?

When you are considering taking a Management class, you should first look at the colleges or universities in your local area. Most colleges or universities offer business related courses at fairly reasonable rates.

Are construction management classes offered online?

Yes. There are many construction management classes offered online . Many colleges and universities offer this specific class such as South University. A placement test must be taken first.

Do most universities allow students to register for classes on the web?

Yes, most universities allow students to register online now once you are a registered official student. There are still some school that do not allow you to register online the first time registering for classes though so it will depend on the school you attend and what rules they have about online registration.

Is there is an online school that offer classes for training for SharePoint?

Yes due to rapid expansion of online schooling there is something for everybody. It is recommended that you check out your local colleges and universities for these classes first in order to give yourself more options.

What country in Europe developed the first democracy?

The Europes first democracy was 3rd May Constitution of 1791 of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Which university in south Africa first started with environmental education programmes?

UNISA, the University of South Africa, was the first university in the country to have environmental education programs. Since they began, the field has exploded and many other universities boast similar programs.

When did universities first flourish in Europe?

Universities started to flourish during the Renaissance.

How do you get into the gaming industry?

Well the first thing that you need to do is get the education for it. Most universities offer computer science classes. Some specific colleges just for gaming can give you connections for jobs once you graduate.

Does anyone know a way to ease denture pain?

To take classes in diagnostic medical sonography, one should first check the online class listings at your local community colleges. Or you can look at universities.

Name of country started first univercity?

The country with one of the first known universities is Italy.Bolgna, Italy is the city and country with one of the first Universities.