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The object of mercantilism was to minimize imports that cost the nation money, and maximize exports that made the nation money. Colonies were a means of reducing England's dependence on foreign nations. Each colony would provide a raw material to England and this would allow the nation to not have to purchase that product from another nation. By establishing colonies loyal to the Crown, Great Britain would be expanding a dependable market for the finished products coming out of British industries.

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Q: How were colonies important to a country with the economic policy of mercantilism?
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The economic system where colonies supply goods to the mother country is called .?

The economic system is called mercantilism.

An economic system in which colonies supply goods to the mother country is called .?

The economic system is called mercantilism.

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(True) that is the theory of mercantilism.

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Through the English economic system of mercantilism - colonies providing the mother country with wealth.

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Which economic policy was based on the idea that the American colonies existed primarily to provide enconomic benefits for Great Britain?

I believe you're slightly confused. Mechantalism was an economic theory that said that for a country to be wealthy and powerful, it had to export more than it important and the colonies were to be founded for the sole purpose of making money for the mother country. Britain founded its American colonies because of this theory.