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Q: How were grasshoppers a problem during the 1930s?
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How does biotechnology reduce use of pesticides?

If you have a problem with grasshoppers there are several different ways to solve the problem. Droping housebricks onto grasshoppers will crush grasshopper. Spray grasshopper with chemical poison will kill grasshoppers and any grasshoppers that come along later and start eating. Biotechnology finds and breeds large numbers of bugs-that-eat-grashoppers and then releases the bugs into a grasshopper infested area.

Cooperative federalism emerged during?

the 1930s

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during the 1930s to the 1940s

What jobs did blacks have during the 1930s?

they had farming

'Of Mice and Men' is set in which decade?

'Of Mice and Men' is set during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

What time of year do you find Grasshoppers?

Grasshoppers only come out anywhere from Mid March to Late September.

How do grasshoppers live?

The natural habitat of grasshoppers is meadows and fields, but they will live in any area that has a good amount of food sources. Grasshoppers live all around the world and come out during the summer time.

What were the Social issues of the 1930s?

During the 1930s some social issues were prohibition and women's rights. Civil rights for minorities was another social issue of the 1930s.

What is the Japanese expansion during the 1930s?

the Japanese expansion of the 1930s was to expand out of Korea and into manchuria which it annexed and call manchukou