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Q: How were manufactured goods transported?
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Goods are transported by railroad or truck.

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Well Ideas get transported by communication. People get transported by car, train, boats, bus and taxis. Goods are transported by boat and trains.

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Goods were transported to the Yukon by horses, wagons, people, and carts. Much of the goods traveled by ship to a west coast port.

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goods manufactured come first

Does china sell more raw materials or manufactured goods?

Manufactured goods!!!

What are the manufactured goods in Queensland?

Can. Goods

What were some of the goods transported on the Nile River?

Anything the tens of millions of people who live near and rely on the river need - mainly agriculture, food produce etc.

How is most goods transported?

By truck.

What manufactured goods does Egypt have?

Yes, Egypt does have manufactured goods. Egypt's Manufactured goods are textiles, perfumes, vases, cutlery, lotions, pottery, and a small amount of wood