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In a wooden box or nothing

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Q: How were people buried before there were coffins?
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Was napolen buried in 7 coffins in France?

More probably in four coffins: two of mahogany, one of lead, and one of iron.

What is a crypt it is usually under a cathedral?

A crypt is a repository for coffins; it serves a similar purpose to a graveyard but the coffins are not buried underground, they are stored in a room.

Why do people use coffins for on the Day of the Dead?

To confine the dead body, plus, when the body is buried it stops the body being eaten or rotting.

Which US President was buried in five coffins one inside the other?

I do not know of any US President that was buried in such a way.

Why are coffins placed above ground?

Because when people would be buried they would bury them only 3ft. so when it would rain the coffins would wash up from the ground. So that is why they bury people 6ft. deep.


Yes. In some cases, the coffins were protected with iron cages surrounding them, to prevent grave robbers from stealing fresh bodies.

Do they make fat people coffins?

Coffins are available for people of any size.

What are coffins used for?

Coffins are used for putting dead people in when they are dead and not alive.

How the Irish bury their dead?

Most people are buried in standard wooden coffins, in graves. Some people are cremated and have their ashes buried in a grave and some have them spread in a location of their choice. For funerals, most people are in a funeral home and then removed to a church in the evening where friends and family are. The next morning the funeral happens. Some people will stay in their own home overnight and there may be a wake and they will be brought to the church on the night before or on the morning of the funeral.

How many coffins do mummys get put in?

If you were a king you got buried in more than slaves, King Tut got buried in 8 along with 1,450 pairs of underwear.

Is is illegal to bury a flag with someone?

Coffins are commonly draped with the American Flag, particularly those of soldiers and veterans- but the flag is removed before the body is interred There is no legislation against the flag being buried.

Do people in Switzerland bury people in coffins?

Of course!