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The people kept at Hitler's concentration camps were treated like animals, not human beings. When the prisoners got to old or sick to work they burned their bodies in an oven after being knocked out in a gas chamber. The guards enjoyed making their lives mean even less than they had to begin with at the camps.

AnswerWhen the Jews were supposedly taking showers they were drowned in gas that killed them hundreds at a time. That is so sick! i feel so sorry 4 those kids and adults! stripped of fillings and clothes, hair chopped off, couldn't the Nazi's get a live?!?! one other than the terrible one they lived in! were they demon-posessed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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Starved, tortured, raped, used as test subjects for medical procedures and medicines by companies like Bayer, forced to work in unbearable conditions, and finally executed by various means, from gas chambers to firing squads.

Well they were forced from their homes/apartments (which were usually in ghettos) and either shoved into cattle cars to go to concentration camps, or killed on spot by either being shot or beat to death.

Then in concentration camps they would starve them and work them to death. Or they would shoot them, send them into gas chambers(which they would fill with carbon monoxide to kill them), or send them to a crematory to burn them.

If you were forced into labor most would die of malnutrition or disease, also once you were there, you had no name, you were tattoo'd a number on your arm and that was your 'name'.

Nazi or S.S. would give them little water or food which would usually be contaminated and give them typhoid fever where they would let them suffer and die or send them back to their ghettos to spread the disease(s).

They also made them stack the dead bodies onto the back of (at least) 4 large trucks where they would sit on the back with the dead bodies until they got to where they would stack them but usually the truck would come to an abrupt halt and make the bodies fall on them, crushing them or suffocating them.

They found that they starved them so much that the average man, fully grown and all, to live from a concentration camp was about 88 pounds.

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Q: How were people in the Holocaust treated?
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