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Just like what you would think, they were killed in the 2004 tsunami because they were so close to the water that by the time they saw the wave comming for them, it was to late and they got "swallowed" by the huge wave.

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Q: How were people killed in the 2004 tsunami?
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What was the greatest number of people ever killed in a tsunami?

230,000 people (2004 Asian Tsunami)

How many people was killed in Kenya from the tsunami 2004?

According to an internet search, only one person was killed in Kenya as a direct result of the 2004 tsunami.

What tsunami has been disastrous?

The Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26 2004. It killed over 230 000 people.

When was the 2004 tsunami?

On Boxing Day (26th December) It killed around 275000 people

How many people can one tsunami wave kill?

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami killed more than 150,000 people. Others have killed 40,000 and 25,000 people.

How many people died in the tsunami that happen in japan 2004?

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a total of 227,898 people died.

When was the Tsunami that killed over 250000 people in South-West Asia recently?

December 26, 2004

Can people die from a tsunami wave?

Yes. To date, the worst natural disaster of the 21st century was the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which killed over 230,000 people. The Japanese tsunamis of 2011 killed more than 15,000 people.

When did Maldives biggest tsunami happen?

In the Maldives, 88 people was killed and 24 reported missing and presumed dead after it was hit by a tsunami on 26 December 2004.

How many people died in the sumatra tsunami?

The tsunami of December 26, 2004 killed a total of about 230,000 people.

How many people died on December 26 2004 as a result of the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami?

The 2004 Asian Tsunami is believed to have killed an approximately 200,000 people and left millions homeless. 1/3 of these killed people where children as they could not resist the pull. If you want to get more information go to National Geographic.comAn estimated 229,866 people died in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, making the second most catastrophic tsunami in history.According to the link below, the death toll from the 2004 tsunami stands at around 275,950 people.About 230,000 people died but it could be more because a lot of them were buried under rubble and stuff.250,000+ were killed and it is the second largest recorded earthquake ever. The exact numbers are unknown. People's livilyhoods have been ruined, and families torn apart. Think about this for a moment out of respect for them.

How many people survived the tsunami 2004?

250,000 people survived the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami.