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There was no treatment. You would have to hope for the best and try the herbs prescribed by the old lady down the street.

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8y ago
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13y ago

Sometimes they cut open the dog or whatever bit them straight after getting bit, and then they ate the animals heart.

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Vanessa Fetrow

Lvl 2
4y ago

I need to wright a paragraph on how to cure rabies and I need to know how

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14y ago

Take the herb Scullcap.

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Vanessa Fetrow

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4y ago

How to sure rabbles in the 1840’s

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Related questions

How is Rabies Cured?

Rabies cannot be cured. It may only be prevented via vaccinations. If a human is bitten by a suspected rabies animal, the vaccination must be administered within 2 hours of the bite so as to produce inhibitory antibodies against the rabies virus. But once a person is infected with rabies, they will be dead within 2 weeks. Rabies has a 100% death rate in non-vaccinated individuals unfortunately...

What was the first disease cured by Man?

Possibly rabies in 1885 by Louis Pasteur??

If you are cured of rabies can you get them again?

There is no way to answer this unless you tell what the name of the disease is in your question.

Can you cure rabies in the 1800s?

yes i can, i just need a time machine and some penicilin :P

What is rabies vaccine and how do you catch it?

first it spreads to your nervous system. then it multiplies.

What things did Louis Pasteur accomplished?

He cured Diseases such as rabies,smallpox, and alot more i cant think of.... :P

How did pioneers treat rabies to dogs?


What was the first diseaseto be cured through vaccination?

i think it was small pox The year was 1798 followed by cholera in 1879. Then came rabies.

How do you get treated for rabies?

Rabies has no cure or treatment. If you have it, you will die. However, if you are infected with rabies, and you are quick enough, you can go to a hospital and get a number of shots injected into your stomach, belly button area, to prevent the disease. But these shots only work if you get them within a few hours of being infected.

Hydrophobia is a feature of which disease?

Hydrophobia is a feature and symptom of rabies. Hydrophobia causes people to be afraid of water. This irrational fear, however, can be cured with therapy over time.

What discoveries did Louis Pasteur make?

He did make a lot of discoveries: chemist, microbiologist, wine and food technologist, vaccin developper / producer, etc.

How long can you live with hydrophobia?

The disease can progress very quickly and can be fatal within a few days. Answer 2: Rabies can be cured by a series of needles. It is seldom fatal anymore unless it goes untreated.