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Hydrophobia is a feature and symptom of rabies. Hydrophobia causes people to be afraid of water. This irrational fear, however, can be cured with therapy over time.

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3mo ago

Hydrophobia is a symptom associated with rabies. It is characterized by a fear of water and difficulty swallowing due to muscle spasms in the throat. This symptom is one of the key signs that can help in diagnosing rabies.

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What is the disease name for rabies?


What is the common name of the disease Hydrophobia?


Where is this disease most prevalent hydrophobia?

In Canada

What detail about disease hydrophobia?

it is caused by street virus .

What part of speech is hydrophoiba?

"Hydrophobia" is a noun, the name of a disease.

What symptoms do dogs have when they get hydrophobia?

They get vicious and if they scratch or bite you. You will get crazy, so avoid this disease.

Where is the disease hydrophobia most prevalent?

If by hydrophobia, you are referring to Rabies Encephalitis, then in suburban areas where humans come in close contact to vectors such as raccoons, feral dogs, bats, foxes, etc.

What disease did the cow have in the book Old Yeller?

old yeller had rabies

What are nicknames for rabies?

Some common nicknames for rabies include "hydrophobia" and "mad dog disease."

What is the similarities between hydrophobia and Islam-phobia?

Absolutely none. Islamaphobia is a made-up word meaning "fear of all things connected with Islam". Hydrophobia is a term used in describing the symptoms of the disease Rabies, one of which is an aversion to water ("hydrophobia=water fear")

Which disease caused by the bite of mad dog?

The bite of a mad dog can cause Rabies (or Hydrophobia) followed by death.

Do animals get hydrophobia?

Yes, animals do have hydrophobia.