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The Innuitian Mountains present form was shaped during the innuitian orogeny in the middle of the Mesozotic era when the North America Plate moved northward. It is younger than the Appalachians, and so erosion has not yet rounded them significantly.

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Q: How were the Innuitian Mountains formed?
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What is the climate of the innuitian mountains?

The climate of Innuitian mountain is... They are part of the Arctic Cordillera and are largely unexplored, due to the hostile climate.

How big is the innuitian mountains in km?

The Innuitian Mountains stretch over a distance of about 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) in northern Canada. They are primarily located within the territories of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.

What is the climate for the innuitian mountains?

The climate in the Innuitian Mountains is typically cold and polar, with long, harsh winters and short, cool summers. Precipitation is low and mostly falls as snow due to the cold temperatures. Strong winds and frequent snowstorms are common in the region.

What are the physical features of the innuitian mountains?

The Innuitian Mountains are a range of rugged, barren mountains located in northern Canada. They are characterized by sharp peaks, deep valleys, and extensive glaciation. The region is known for its harsh climate and sparse vegetation.

How old this the innuitian mountains?

They are 158 million years old. I hope this helps!! (=•_•=)

How old are the innuitian mountains?

by plates colliding and forcing the ground to go up and they form mountains

What do people do to make money in innuitian mountains?

by being a leading tours.

What major cities are in the innuitian mountains region in Canada?

there is no major cities in the innuitian mountain. the closet is Iqaluit