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The Nazis required it as a way to identify Jews quickly and easily. (The five-point Star of David has for a long time been regarded as a badge of Jewish identity).


So that they could be identified by the National Socialists (Nazis) and shipped off to concentration camps.

Even before being shipped off, Jews were defined as second class citizens, and part of the degradation was to have them identify themselves (with the Star) as such. It also ensured that these newly-declared sub-humans were not exercising any rights that had been denied to them.


It is also interesting to note the hexagram - that is, the Nazi version of the star, was never given to the Jews as a sign of endearment. Its original name is the star of Molech, was known by true Jews as a sign of that Babylonian god or the devil since it had six pionts, six lines, and six triangles.

They had to wear the Star of David on their arm so that everybody knew that they were Jews - members of the hated race.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The Jewish had to wear the star of david so that they could be identified by the

national socialists and shipped off to labor camps.

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15y ago

They were forced to wear it as a badge of indentification.

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12y ago

The Jews were required to wear the Star of David during the Holocaust to identify to other people that they were Jews.

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11y ago

With the threat of arrest and execution.

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because they were jewish

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Q: Why were the Jews required to wear the Star of David in the Holocaust?
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Related questions

Who had to wear the star of david?

The Jews of Europe, during the holocaust.

When did they were the star of David?

The Jews were forced to wear that during the Holocaust.

How were Jews identified during the Holocaust?

yellow starduring the holocaust Jews were forced towear a yellow star of david on their clothes.

What symbols were Jews required to display?

the star of david

Why and where did the Jews have to wear the star of david in the holocaust?

to identify them, as far as i recall it was on the left arm.

What were Jews made to wear round their arm?

During the Holocaust, Jews were made to wear a yellow star of David, or a white armband with a blue Star of David on it.

What did Jewish men and women have to wear?

This depends on the society that the Jews lived in. In Nazi Germany and most occupied countries, the Jews were required to wear a Yellow Star of David with the word "Jew" in the local language affixed to the breast of their jackets and shirts. In the Ottoman Empire, Jewish males were required to wear yellow turbans.

Holocaust yellow star of david purchase?

In most cases Jews had to buy their yellow stars.

What did the yellow star symbolize?

"Jews during the Holocaust were required to wear the yellow star to let everybody know that they were Jewish." Nope, the six sided yellow star, though it doesn't have to be yellow, is the Star of David, and it is the symbol of the Jewish religion.

What outward symbol were Jews required to display?

Jews were required to display a yellow badge in the form of a Star of David on their clothing as an outward symbol during Nazi rule in Germany.

Who was ordered to wear the star of david?

The Jews were required to wear the Yellow Stars of David

What symbol were Jews supposed to display?

It was a six-pointed Star of David, about the size of a human palm, and yellow in color. And it was not worn on the arm, it was worn on the left breast of the outer garment. During the Holocaust Jews were required to wear yellow star of david's on the chest and back of their clothing.