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The early Germanic groups were displaced by Huns, and many tried to integrate into Roman Society.

The Norse society, in which the term "Viking" is used similarly to the way we use "Pirate" Had a large amount of landless elite, who had wealth taken from them due to primogeniture. This, combined with no fear of death through there religious beliefs, sent them out to attack randomly,sailing thousands of miles.

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Q: How were the Vikings different from the earlier Germanic group who had invaded Europe?
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How were the vikings from earlier generic groups that invaded Europe?

to the europs

How were the Vikings different from the earlier Germanic groups who had invaded Europe?

The early Germanic groups were displaced by Huns, and many tried to integrate into Roman Society. The Norse society, in which the term "Viking" is used similarly to the way we use "Pirate" Had a large amount of landless elite, who had wealth taken from them due to primogeniture. This, combined with no fear of death through there religious beliefs, sent them out to attack randomly,sailing thousands of miles.

Who invaded the vikings?

The huns

What groups invaded Europe in the 800?

Muslim, Magyar, and Vikings invaded Europe in the 800s.

Where were you invaded by the Vikings?

Personally, I have never been invaded by Vikings. They did cause a bit of trouble for my Irish relations, though.

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Who got attacked by Germanic invaders?

The Germanic peoples invaded the western part of the Roman Empire.

Who invaded Britain in 1006?

the Normans invaded the British in 1006

Who were the tribes that invaded western Europe after the fall of the roman empire?

The Germanic tribes . In particular, the Vandals, Sueves, and Burgundians who invaded Gaul in 406. Among these there were The Alans, who were Iranian-speakers, not Germanic. They too were referred to as barbarians, as this term applied to all peoples who lived outside the empire, not just to the Germanics. The Alemanni, Germanics from southern Germany, took advantage of the mentioned invasion to take over northeastern Gaul. The Germanic peoples who settled in Britannia in waves were the Angles, Saxon, Jutes and Frisians. These peoples invaded during the Western Roman empire not after it. Their invasions precipitated its fall.

Who invaded the north of England in 1066?

The vikings

What did the vikings do in 1066?

Invaded England, but were defeated.