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Q: How were the central characteristics of the English and french governments of the late 1600 similar and different?
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What type of government causes a balance of power between the central government and the state governments?

If there are central and state governments, there is always a balance of power. The balance may be tilted in favour of one or the other though.

Is the federal power of the country known as the central government?

Generally, yes. However, it just depends on how "central" you are wanting to get. There is everything from Homeowner's Associations to labor unions to city governments to state governments to the federal government.

Why do you think governments are usually located in cities?

Governments are usually located in cities because government needs a work force and a central location.

How is power distributed in a federal government?

There are different types of "federal government" and the distribution of power varies. It may be divided between a central government and several local governments. In the US model, it is divided between three branches of government, those being the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial branches.they are divided between a central government and several local governments

What development is the term marble cake federalism meant to refer to?

In a federalist government, power is divided between a central government and regional, such as state governments, or sub-divisional governments, such as city or county governments. Marble Cake Federalism, also called cooperative federalism, is a type in which powers, resources, and programs are intermingled between the different levels of government.

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Which are common characteristics of European governments?

A monarchy with a central government and very little power in the general population.

What are the characteristics of the unitary political system?

# Power is concentrated in a central government # State and local governments can exercise only those powers given to them by the central government

What were the characteristics of Federalists?

Pro-British, supported strong central governments, wanted a National bank, believed in building the nation's credit.

What are the main characteristics of central bank?

characteristics of a central

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In which type of governments does a local governments exist only to assist the central governments?

unitary government

What type of governments do the countries of central America have?

Some are democratic governments

What type of governments do the countries in central America have today'?

Some are democratic governments

What obstacles stood in the way of creating strong central governments?

The Church was a biggest obstacle. Also transportation was another big obstacle because strong central governments rose from weaker central governments and weaker central governments didnt have good communication and so to run a strong centralized government you need good communication and transportation

The large profits of American companies such as unites fruit and cuyamel fruit dependent upon?

.Using wealth to influence governments in Central America.

What is the nature of Nigerian Federalism?

The governmental parts are shared between the central government and component governments of the states. The central government has devolved into the governments of states.

Mention two states of India having conflict with the central government?

There is nothing like conflict between central and state governments. It is democratic set up in India meaning thereby that there might be governments of two different parties in states and in the centre. It does not mean that they are in conflict with each other.