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The lives of Aboriginal people were drastically changed by European colonization, which led to loss of traditional lands, culture, and ways of life. They faced displacement, discrimination, and loss of autonomy over their territories. This had long-lasting impacts on their communities and cultures.

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Q: How were the lives of aboriganal people changed?
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What development in neolithic age greatly changed people's lives?

The development of agriculture was a significant advancement in the Neolithic Age that greatly changed people's lives. It allowed for a shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities, leading to surplus food production, population growth, and the development of complex societies. This change also led to the domestication of animals and the establishment of permanent settlements.

What did Paleolithic people discover that changed their lives?

Paleolithic people discovered how to control fire, which provided warmth, protection, and allowed them to cook food. This discovery transformed their ability to survive in varying environments and facilitated the development of social connections through shared meals.

How the agricultural revolution changed the lives of stone age people?

The agricultural revolution allowed stone age people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. This led to a more stable food supply, increased population growth, and the development of permanent structures and social hierarchies. It also laid the foundation for technological advancements and the eventual rise of civilizations.

What was the most important job in the lives of Paleolithic people?


How did the agricultural revolution changed the lives of stone age people?

The agricultural revolution marked a shift from hunting and gathering to settled farming, which led to a more stable food supply. This allowed for larger, more permanent settlements and the development of complex societies. It also led to the specialization of labor, the development of new technologies, and the rise of social hierarchies.

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