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Treated horribly, the black didn't get as good hospitals or much money or food and clothes and stuff I wonder what it would be like to be hispanic.... ( which I am ) oh yeah! I would get like a lot of states and I didn't do no work they just gave it to us as long as we didn't give it to other people.... Sweet.. Wait why are you still reading this?

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Q: How were the people that had the black death treated by others?
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How do people deal with the black death today?

black death affect our lives by killing us..... the plague

Where some people more likely to have the black death then others?

Black Death was spread by fleas and rats. People working closer to them caught it more.

What does this picture indicate about life during the black plague?

People treated death as a common part of society.

How fast does the black death spread if not treated?

First of all, there is no cure. Black death can easily spread. people with the disease die six or seven days later

During the black death could people who had the plague pass it on to others?

Yes. It was passed to others and that is one reason it was so deadly.

What age did Victorian people die and from what?

Most likely people in the Victorian Era, died from the plague (black death) and other diseases (gangrene) that couldn't be treated.

Common treatments for the black death?

black death can be treated with. Antibacterials, antibiotics and vaccines.

Were there any survivers in the black death?

half of Europe was depopulated. Almost 75 to 200 million people died.

How where black death victoms treated?

they were treated with remedies. Holy water, vinegar wash, vein cutting etc.

How likely was it for someone to catch the black death?

in some cities during the height of the epidemic, 50% of the people died from it. so one in 2 people.

Name an animal that is scared of a cats death?

maybe cause you treated him bad in your ugly face let him alone

Who had the black death?

black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.