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Q: How were the pillars on the Parthenon Arranged so that they seem straight?
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I would seem that she's straight, but I'm not sure.

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It is the position of attention and you stand straight up, with ankles together feet at a 45 degree angle. Arms straight with thumbs tucked against the seem of the trousers.

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Someone that does not send them messages about wanting to just have sex with them; straight women prefer messages from straight men that seem genuinely interested in their personality over their looks.

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constellations are just pictures that the stars seem to be arranged in from our viewpoint on Earth. Because of this, constellation aren't actually objects, they're just what we see. What we see as constellations are individual stars that seem to form a picture (But probably aren't very close to each other.

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Sometimes spicy food can seem to go straight through a person because their stomachs cannot tolerate the spice. The body is telling the stomach to get rid of it now.

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Though it may seem like he is because of his long hair, Dillon is perfectly straight. I have met him and talked to him so I know. He is not gay

Can a gay male fall in love with his best straight girl friend if they seem to be complete soulmates?

Absolutely, why not, we are all human and cannot help who we fall in (or out) of love with!

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All you have t do is put your leg out straight and push your toes fourward like crunch them up

What is the affects off gay people having babies?

There does not seem to be any statistical difference between children of gay people and children of straight people. However, there does seem to be a pattern of gay couples being more likely to adopt hard-to-place children.

Why does writing seen through a block seem bigger?

because of refraction.(light bending) basicly your brain sees the writing through light and thinks that light only travaels in straight lines.when actully light does bend making the writing seem seem higher and bigger. I am on ly 12 years old but im doing this at the moemnt

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Some guys will seem nervous or jumpy. Others won't be able to look you straight in the face. Still others might laugh nervously.

Should a women tell her friends about her first sexual experiences?

It's not the best thing to do... it may make you seem like a h**. I'm being straight forward. ;)