

How wide is a rabbit's burrow?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Q: How wide is a rabbit's burrow?
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Can you find rabbits on beaches?

very unlikely, because rabbits need to burrow and it would be very rare for them to go out into the wide open space of a beach with nowhere to hide.

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What is the rabbits shelter?

It makes a burrow

Is a rabbits home called a burrow?


Which animals home is called a burrow?

rabbits I think

Why do rabbits burrow on a hill?

under it to keep water out

What makes a rabbits burrow comfortable?

grass and soft mud

Where do rabbits live when they are born in nature?

In a Nest in their burrow. Rabbits live in a burrow near long grass so that most predators don't get to them so they wont be a rabbit roast or somethings dinner.

Do rabbits make their home?

Rabbits burrow into the ground.

What makes a rabbits burrow warm?

you have to put a heating pad under it

Wild baby rabbits?

Baby rabbits are called Kittens and they stay in their burrow until they are at least 4 weeks of age.

How do rabbits make their burrows?

Rabbits make their burrows by digging with their hind legs.