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Q: How will Iknow that I'm being called from my old church to a new church?
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They started a new Church: Luther's came to be named the Lutheran Church, Henry's was called the Church of England.

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When was first Christian church built?

In the New Testament, 'ekklesia' is the Greek term used for those 'called out' as the new Church. Many met in houses at this time. There are some in Christianity that would point to the 'Upper Room' as the first Church or meeting place of the new following. In the Catholic denomination, this room is called the 'Cenacle' and considered by them to be the first Church in Christendom.

What ever happen to Pastor Joel Trout?

check him out at his new church called Redemption Church in San Diego and also pastoring a church in Atlanta.

What was the Catholic church called the Heart of New France?

your mom should know this answer

What were the areas in new France the served a church called?

des paroisses (parishes)