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He will stay away from you.

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Q: How will a guy react if he's told you like him and doesn't like you back?
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What do I do if I told this guy I have a crush on him and he told me he doesnt like me back?

if a man said he don't like you back say sike i just wanted to see what you was going to say because i don't like you at all

If you told a girl you like her and she doesnt like you back what do you do?

Ask her, "why don't you like me?" Remember theirs a lot of fish in the sea.

If you told a boy that you like him and he never talks to you again what does that mean?

it means that he is trying to think of something to say or it means that he doesnt like you back.

Does a boy like you if he tells you he doesnt but he knows that you like him?

Most likely, no. Just because YOU like him, doesn't mean he has to like you back. He told you he didn't like you. He knows that you like him, and if he did like you back, he would've asked you out by now.

Should u ask a guy out if u told him u like him but u don't know if he likes u back?

If you told him you like him in person and he did not react than that normally means his just not in to you and not whereat you time.

What happens if you told a guy you like him but he doesn't tell you that back?

he needs time to think about it. He may or may not like you back, but don't be discouraged. Most guys will not react immediately if a girl springs something like that on him.

You like a guy You've already told him you like him in notes but he still won't tell you if he likes you back You're falling hard for the guy and can't stop thinking about him What do you do?

If he liked you he would have told you. Sorry to say, he probably doesnt like you.

What if a guy likes you and tells your friend he doesnt like you?

If he told you he likes you and told her he doesnt, he is probably a loser and trying to hook up with both of you. Dont waste your time on him.

What do you do if you like your ex-boyfriend again and he acts like he likes you back but he always acts like that how do i know for sure his feelings are positive for me?

the same thing happened to me, and what i did was the following. i told some of my gossipyest friends that i liked him, and then they told ppl, and ppl told ppl and then he knew. after that ull either find out that he likes u from some sourse or find out he doesnt. the best thing is if he doesnt like u u can deny the whole thing

What should I do if I like this guy and he likes me back but my cousin told him not to like me and now he probably doesnt like me but I really like him and I want him back?

Because your cousin knows him better and know that he is no good for you! So take his advice so you wont get hurt....i hope this helps you!

You told your crush you like him or her and it seems like they like you back but you aren't sure do they like you back?

Ask his/her friends and look for an answer but don't make it obvious you like him/her, unless they know, but dont make your self pushy to know the answer, take things slow, so he/she doesnt get freaked. Source; Had 6 boyfriends ;)

I was recently told that you do not have to pay back Cash advances because it doesnt count against you since they don't check credit. Is this true?

No, the person that told you this is a fool.