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Q: How will blood pressure respond to the valsalva effect?
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Van the Valsalva maneuver treat rapid heartbeats?

The Valsalva maneuver also corrects some rapid heartbeats originating in the atria. When the maneuver is done correctly, blood pressure rises. This forces the heart to respond by correcting its rhythm and beating more slowly.

What can increase blood pressure to extremely high and dangerous levels?

valsalva maneuver

The Valsalva Maneuver can increase blood pressure to extremely high and dangerous levels?

The Valsalva maneuver can indeed induce strokes in the brain due to higher blood pressure in the head, and perhaps broken capillary blood vessels in the eyeballs and elsewhere. Do the maneuver only just as hard as needed to relieve your symptoms (by increasing heart rate, usually).

The valsalva maneuver can dangereously increase blood pressure?

In all my years of SCUBA diving, this had never come up as a potential hazard. I was close to dismissing this question but a little googling shows that the Valsalva maneuver can, indeed, result in an elevated blood pressure. Seems to me that it would need to be some really aggressive Valsalva-ing and a susceptible individual for it to be dangerous. See the link for one opinion.

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Five factors that increase blood pressure during resistance training?

Valsalva maneuver Intra-abdominal pressure Compressive forces from muscle contractions Elevated cardiac output External compressive forces

Which describes the effect or prolonged stress on blood pressure?

It causes blood pressure to increase.

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What effect does vasodilation have on blood pressure?

Vasodilation causes a drop in blood pressure.

How do arteries respond to sudden blood loss?

They constrict in order to try and maintain blood pressure.

Does watching fish affect blood pressure?

Any activity that relieves stress or causes stress can have an effect on your blood pressure. If watching fish relieves stress for you, it can have the effect of lowering your blood pressure.