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In controlled, scientific studies, there is no evidence that the sugar in soda will cause any significant behavior changes. There can be a reaction to the caffeine in soda, which can act as a stimulant. The main change that has been observed is the excitement that occurs when soda is offered as a special treat. It is the circumstances surrounding the activity, not the sugar.

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Q: How will kids behavior change after drinking soda will the kids get hyper what about highs and lows from the sugar?
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It depends on what you mean by hyper. A monkey's behavior can seem like they are hyper like when they jump and climb around in trees. Monkeys are very energetic, playful animals which doesn't really mean that they are hyper. Humans can become hyper by drinking soda or eating sugary foods. And since I'm pretty sure monkeys don't drink monkeys Mountain Dew, I'd say they are mostly energetic and not hyperactive.

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No. Hyper in regards to a person is short for hyperactive. Hyper roughly meaning "sped up" or at a fast rate. Crazy usually pertains to someone that is not in their right mind or to act with irrational behavior. I have know a lot of hyper people in my life and 99% of them were not crazy.

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It depends but usually some people get hyper by eating or drinking things with a lot of sugar. Other people might get hyper when "awesome" things happen no! not sugar or anything kids act like they are witch anoys me. the only way your hyper is when your exited or you have ADHD witch mean Attion Defict Hyperactivtiy Disorder whe your really hyper! i have it too!

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There should be a setting in the BIOS to enable or disable Hyper-Threading (HT), the change can be made there.

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My opinion would be that they just are hyper puppies. As they get older they relax mroe.

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it helps you stay awake and it will make you hyper. If you drink to much you will get kidney stones.

What are the effects of drinking to much soda?

rotten teeth tooth decay getting you teeth pulled out getting hyper