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Nuclear energy can provide a stable and reliable source of electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions, which can help in the transition to a cleaner energy future. However, concerns about safety, nuclear waste, and proliferation of nuclear weapons need to be addressed for nuclear energy to play a significant role in the future energy mix. Technologies like small modular reactors are being developed to address some of these challenges.

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What is a catchy title for nuclear energy?

"Powering the Future: The Bright Side of Nuclear Energy"

What are the future uses of nuclear energy?

In the future the uses remain the same: production of electrical and thermal energy and nuclear weapons.

What percent of the US' energy does nuclear fusion supply?

The nuclear fusion is not used now as a source of energy; probable possible in a far future.

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Meaningless question as far as nuclear energy

What are two common sources of nuclear energy?

Two common sources of nuclear energy are nuclear fission, where atoms are split to release energy, and nuclear fusion, where atoms are combined to release energy. Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to generate electricity, while nuclear fusion is a process being researched as a potential future source of clean energy.

Disease that affect nuclear energy?

Their ain't any disease that affects nuclear energy. Nuclear radiation can cause leukaemia and other cancers if above a certain level.

Is nuclear energy reliable?

Because it pollutes the earth and may not be much in future.

What is the largest percentage of energy released in a nuclear detonation?

blast affect

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I chose 'Nuclear Powers Secondary Loop' because of nuclear energy up and comming behavior, and that in nuclear power a Secondary Loop absorbs heat and generates the electricity.

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What is the SONE Nuclear organization supporting?

SONE stands for Supporters Of Nuclear Energy. They are an organization that want to promote nuclear energy as not only an acceptable means of energy production, but a necessary one in order to face the future energy demands of the world. They feel nuclear energy would help developed countries to keep a sustainable economy.

What happened before the 1950s that would become instrumental in the development of nuclear energy in the future?

The atom was split successfully in early 1940s. In 1945, nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan and thereafter nuclear energy began being used for local energy.