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Q: How will tap water mineral water and seltzer water affect the growth of radish seeds?
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Does road salt affect radish plant growth?

Yes. Any salt will adversely affect the growth of a radish.

Does sunlight effect radish growth?

yes it does.

Do magnets affect radish plant grow if so what is the control variable?

yes magnets do effect plant growth . the control variable is the plant with magnet.

What are ideas for imcreasing the rate of radish geowth?

There are a few ideals for increasing the rate of radish growth. The best ideal would be to gather data.

How does the concentration of vinegar affect the germination of radish seeds?


What is life cycle of butterfly and radish?

Butterfly: eggs, larvae, pupa/cocoon, adult Radish: seeds, root growth, bolting, seed production

Is radish helps hair growth?

yes, Radish has been used for centuries as home remedy for many kind of skin and hair problem, you can avoid hair fall with radish juice. It will greatly improve your follicle strength and improve your skin condition too.

Is radish helpful for hair growth?

yes, Radish has been used for centuries as home remedy for many kind of skin and hair problem, you can avoid hair fall with radish juice. It will greatly improve your follicle strength and improve your skin condition too.

What is the dependent variable of what effect does high temperature have on the growth of apples?

if the temperature increased, then the radish germination will increase

Why do magnets help radish plant growth?

idk lol jk it helpps it grow faster of course

What effect do magnets have on radish plant growth?

They make them grow taller although in some cases they don't make them grow taller

What is small red or white root of a plant?

That is a radish.