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Q: How will the Stonehenge look after 10 years after people vanish?
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What do you look for in Stonehenge England?

Pre-historic standing stones.

What does the Stonehenge look like?

This kind of information is very easy to find. And if you want to see how Stonehenge looked when it was constructed see the link below.

What city is Stonehenge in?

Stonehenge is a long way from any city. It is several miles from the nearest towns in the South of England. To find a location, look for Andover and Salisbury. Both towns are close. Also, look for a road known as the "A30." It runs past Stonehenge. Stonehenge is eight miles north of Salisbury. Officially, the postcode for Stonehenge is classified as Larkhill, Wiltshire. The nearest actual place is West Amesbury. Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England. It is not in a city. it is 2 miles west of Amesbury.

Is there any more things that look like the Stonehenge?

Georgia guidestones

What would you do at Stonehenge?

Look at the wonder of such a structure and admire what your ancestors have done.

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The future is uncertain.

How did the Stonehenge appear?

Stonehenge was built by three separate cultures over a very long time. Originally it was a simple ring of turned earth, or a ditch. This is really all a true Henge is. 56 wooden posts were set around the inside of the dirt embankment, and the main entrance was aligned with sunrise on the Summer Solstice. The people who did this are known as the "Windmill Hill People". The second group or culture to work on Stonehenge were the "Beaker People", or "Folk", so-named because their pottery had slender necks which resemble beakers. These people expanded the construction of Stonehenge by using 9-foot bluestones to create a double, semi-circular shape on the East side within the earthen circle. They also erected the 4 Station Stones as well as the Heel, or 'Sun Stone'. The Henge at this time was used as a cemetery for people of high status, and most probably as a kind of cathedral for honoring their ancestors. The third and final group were known as the "Wessex People" and they are the ones who shape Stonehenge to look as we see it today. They were very clever and had enormous knowledge of mathematics, in addition to sophisticated carpentry skills. Both were employed in erecting the great Sarsen Stones in its perfect circle. An enormous amount of manual labor was required over many years to haul, shape and stand the huge stones. Stonehenge remained a significant cemetery throughout its long life and seems to have become a Place of Healing. People came from all over England and Europe to participate in the seasonal Rituals of the Sun, or to avail themselves of the supposed healthful properties to be found there.