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No. If by distillate you mean the re-condensed liquid you get after boiling off the fruit juice. because the sugers will be left behind when the water evaporates. so the disstillate will be not sweet at all.

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the color will be lighter becayse it evaaporated

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smooth and nice

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Q: Will the distillate be sweeter than the original fruit juice?
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everything except for the juice

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depends on what fruit juice you buy

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because the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice

If a drink is brighter than it will taste sweeter?

Not necessarily. Let me use an example: If you look at the color of grapefruit juice, you will notice it's light pink. If you look at grape juice, it's dark purple. But unless the grapefruit juice is sweetened, than you will find that the grape juice is sweeter, despite the dark color.

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Fruit juice