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Q: How will the spread of aids affect the development of a country?
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Does HIV and AIDS only affect certain types of people?

It can affect many people all over the world and it can spread country to country. It can eventually destroy the body and cause serious death. Some cases people can have it but not spread it if its looked after, and other cases that you are a carrier and you can spread it !

How might a disease like AIDS affect immigration into a country if it is prevalent in the country of origin?

Answer AIDS affect only through physical contact of unsafe sexual intercourse, transfusion of blood, injections by impure and contaminated needles.

How does a country's poverty status relate to the spread of AIDS?

One reason is that desparate woman turn to prostitution

When did aids become widely spread?

Aids are dangerous :)

Can aids spread from kiss?


AIDS is NOT spread through?


In what ways can aids be spread?

Can you get HIV AIDS from sharing contact lenses?

You can't get HIV from sharing contact lenses. You can spread infections that way that can affect your vision. Get your own lenses.

Does aids spread through eating or drinking contaminated blood?

Yes, Aids can be spread through contaminated blood being swallowed.

How are aids spread?

AIDS (HIV infection) is not spread via casual contact, sweat, feces, tears, vomit, urine, or saliva.

What happens after getting fingered?

Fingering is part of a sexual contact. It is unlikely that aids will be spread. mouth to genital contact will spread aids.

How does aids affects your lifestyle?

Does your lifestyle affect whether or not you get aids?