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The pit bull would win.

A doberman is built for speed, when the pit bull is built for power.

The dobermann would win.

Known as the unstoppable attack dog.

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Q: How will win Doberman or pit bull?
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Is a Doberman stronger than a pitt bull?

Dobermans are bigger and bad er doberman wins

Do Doberman pincher's have lock jaw?

NO..... NO DOG OF ANY BREED HAS LOCK JAW !!!! That is a myth ! (Not even the pit bull).....

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Who would when pit bull or bullterrier?

If you are referring to which would win, a Boston bull can run faster than either the pit or bull terrier but if you are referring to something other than a race then the police would win.

What is more loyal pit bull or Doberman?

Loyalty is measured by breeds. Dogs have something in common no what breed they are. That is loyalty. Dobermann would die for you

Who will win in a fight a canary dog or a pit bull?

depends on the fight in the dog.

What breed do you get mixing a pit bull and a Doberman pincer?

a doberman crossed with pitbull looks like exactly that, doberman features but more squat like a pit and the pitbull head makes for the dogs head being like that in turn. i saw one once, and to be quite honest looked very cool. but why do that? they are both excellent dogs on their own. just my opinion.

What dog would win in a fight pit bull or Doberman?

An shar pei would win because i have an shar pei it got in an fight with an good pit bull and won and my dog still good today and there bite force is an little bit away from it and shar peis where for fighting back then and not pit bulls even though an pit bull has more bite force shar pei show more meaness

Fight between a hyena and a pit-bull?

A hyena would win due to it agility and strength plus it is 2x as big as a pit bull

What is the scariest dog that ever lived?

It's a matter of personal opinion but the Doberman Pincher was the scariest for a long time,then the Rottweiller and now it seems to be the Pit Bull.

Does Pit Bull have or had a pit bull?

No he doesn't

What kind of dog is a pit bull?

A pit bull