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One way is to suspend each bar from a string tied around the middle of the bar. The magnetized bar should rotate to orient itself with the Earth north and south magnetic poles. The other bar will just hang there.

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Q: How will you find out which one is magnet when two identical bars are given one of them is a magnet and the other is a simple iron bar?
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Does one end of a magnet have a magnetic force than the other?

No, it does not. The strength is identical on each end.

Two identical iron pieces givenone is magnet how you recognize magnet nothing with you other than 2 pieces?

If you hold the end of one (A) to the center of the other (B), one of two things will happen. Either A will attract B, in which case A is the magnet, or it won't, which makes B the magnet. The secret lies in the fact that a magnet is just as attracted to the center of an iron piece, but a piece of unmagnetized iron will have no attraction to the center of a magnet-- they are magnetic off the ends, and the center is neutral.

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That depends on how fast the magnet and wire coil are moving relative to each other. Without that no answer can be given.

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simple put them about 2 cm from each other then drop a magnet in the middle

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the function of magnet is to magnet other thing,like an iron....

Making a magnet with another magnet?

if you have a magnet and a magnetic matereal, rub the magnet from one end of it to the other. do this several times and it will eventualy be a magnet.

How do you levitate a magnet?

Have a magnet underneath it with opposite sides facing each other or hold a magnet over the magnet you are trying to levitate. Opposite sides facing each other

How to make a magnet?

Making a magnet is very simple. We need : 1. an iron nail or any other long iron object 2. a magnet METHOD: Rub the magnet on the iron nail in one direction. Then lift it and repeat the action . Repeat this series of action 30-50 times. the iron object will turn into a magnet. But it will not become a strong magnet CAUTION: While rubbing the magnet with the iron object, we need to rub it with the same pole on one side

How make a magnet?

Making a magnet is very simple. We need : 1. an iron nail or any other long iron object 2. a magnet METHOD: Rub the magnet on the iron nail in one direction. Then lift it and repeat the action . Repeat this series of action 30-50 times. the iron object will turn into a magnet. But it will not become a strong magnet CAUTION: While rubbing the magnet with the iron object, we need to rub it with the same pole on one side

Why do you scream at each other?

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What did on magnet to the other magnet?

it said i find you very attractive

What will happen if a North Pole of bar magnet near the North Pole of suspended magnet?

In magnetism, two like poles will repel each other. Remember that opposites attract.