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thare will be no wind

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Q: How windy is it if you see smoke rising straight up?
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If you were to stand in the center of the Globe Theatre and look straight up what would you see?

you would see the sky above you

What do people want to see in a ballet performance?

what people want to see is a performance of your best talent and effort to be the most graceful and elegant person they could ever see and they want to walk out with there head held high and posture straight haha if your a dancer you will understand that , but they also want to see a powerful performance that will move them and they want to think different of dance

What is the rising action in the prologue of romeo and Juliet?

The term "rising action" is a term which only has application to a critical device called Freytag's Pyramid, in which it refers to the action in Act 2 of a typical five-act play, and by "typical" I here mean a Shakespearean Tragedy, since the Freytag Pyramid doesn't always fit the histories and comedies. Since the Prologue of Romeo and Juliet is not a five-act play (it is in fact a sonnet), the Freytag Pyramid and therefore the term "rising action" cannot apply to it. You could probably see that coming when you heard it was a prologue, since there is never any action of any kind in a Prologue (if there were, it would be an "Induction", as in The Taming of the Shrew).

Why do clog dancers hold their arms straight down?

Irish dancers keep their arms straight down because back then, people would put the Irish in jail. in jail, they would dance to keep from going insane. their jail cells had windows that were the height level of their heads down to their waist. so the guards wouldn't see them dancing, they kept their arms straight at their sides so it didn't look like they were doing anything. but, they were movies their feet and legs only!

What is a jazz dance contraction?

It's where you contract your body into a different shape. See if you where standing straight and making a contraction would be curving your back tucking your pelvis inwards and curving your arms the same way as your body. You also might have the need to bend your legs.

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Name something you see smoke rising out of?

Chimney Campfire Cigarette Factory Tailpipe

How do you convert liquid to vapor?

Liquid can be converted into vapor by increasing its temperature until it reaches its boiling point. As the liquid absorbs heat energy, the intermolecular forces that hold the liquid molecules together weaken, allowing the molecules to break free and form a vapor. This process is known as evaporation or boiling.

What things that you can see on a windy day?

Reflection in a pond

How can satellites see through clouds and smoke?

they can see through clouds but not smoke.

How do the men from the ship locate karana's house on the headland after so many others could not find it?

The men from the ship located Karana's house by following the smoke from her cooking fire. They were able to see the smoke rising above the trees, which helped them pinpoint her location on the headland.

How can you see the beams of light from a car's headlights in fog or smoke?

the smoke reflects the light to your eyes then you see the smoke as a handicap for vision

What is the solute and solvent smoke?

Smoke is NOT a solution, it is a mixture (because the smoke you can see is particulate and will settle out).

What does see straight to Florida mean?

If someone can "see straight to Florida" it means they can see someone's genitals.

When you smoke purple haze is the smoke purple?

how about you try & see , ohkaee ?

How can you smoke in the video game bully?

you cant but you can see other people smoke

How long does crystal meth stay in the air after smoking?

Crystal meth smoke can linger in the air for several hours after smoking, depending on factors such as ventilation and room size. Using proper ventilation methods like opening windows and using fans can help to reduce the amount of time the smoke remains in the air.

Do you see farts rising from the ground in Rotorua?

No. Of corse not.