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Q: How would European countries get land in the Berlin conference?
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At the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 European nations?

At the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 the European nations decided on how they would divide up the ownership of Central Africa to avoid fighting over it. The conference didn't actually approve the territorial claims of the European nations, but they did agree on a set of rules to avoid conflict in partitioning of the region.

What was decided at the Berlin conference?

that European nations would have to alert one another about any African territory they claimed.

When was the Berlin conference and what did it do?

1884 - 1885. Goal was to divide up Africa between all the European nations except for Switzerland.

What did the Berlin conference accomplish?

It approved partition among European powers and agreed that future acquisitions could be gained by "effective occupation" - in other words force. What had previously been a matter largely of exploration and (usually predatory) treaty-making would henceforth be a process of armed conquest of the interior. For Congo, the conference formalised the brutal personal rule of King Leopold II and his private intermediaries.

Why did Berlin conference of 1885 change the African way of living?

During the Berlin Conference of 1805, European nations divvied up Africa and claimed their colonial holdings. This would lead to decades of economic and social oppression as European nations used African resources and people to make money.

What was the Berlin conference about?

The Berlin Conference was pretty much the dividing of Africa. The country leaders of Austria-Hungary, Sweden-Norway, Portugal, Spain, Holland, The United Kingdom, and other European countries attended this. The countries went here because of the raw minerals and slaves in Africa. You might learn in class about the Triangle Trade which consists of the trading from European countries to African countries to the United States. The Berlin Conference was held in Berlin, Germany It took place from November 1884 to February 1885. Not even a year between the two. This is significant because the leaders did this to avoid war. That didn't really work out because Holland had control of South Africa. Great Britain decided to go and take Holland. There ended up being a war between the 2 and Great Britain won South Africa.

2 outcomes of the Berlin Conference in 1884 and 1885?

There were two major outcomes of the Berlin conference of the 1884 and 1885. First is that the European nations were united and the second outcome was the rules that were set up on how to each would get a share of African countries to colonize.

What Conference sought to decide how the African continent would be partitioned?

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 sought to partition the African continent among European powers. It resulted in the carving up of Africa without the consent of its inhabitants, leading to the colonization and exploitation of the continent's resources.

What were the effects of the berlin coonference?

Some of the effects of the Berlin conference included the agreements that were reached regarding the colonial powers and the countries that they would each occupy. France was allocated some countries, while Britain, Belgium and Germany also had their own shares.

What were the condition of the Berlin conference?

The Congo could stay in Belgian hands. Africa would be divided amongst the European nations. Most waterways and lakes were neutral areas.

What were three conditions of the Berlin Conference of 1884-85?

The powers who met at the Berlin Conference to partition Africa agreed that each power would abide by the boundaries established at the Conference. Also, each power was responsible for effectively occupying their assigned territory, and civilizing their colonies.

When did the Berlin Conference take place?

The Berlin Conference began in 1884 and it regulated European Colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! or The united states was invited to this conference but had no territorial claims in Africa.